(2003-08-06) -- Iran and North Korea and placed a joint advertisement in the Chronicle of Global Terror seeking a new member of the so-called Axis of Evil.
"Since Saddam fell, we're like Charlie's Angels without Farrah Fawcett," said North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, "Two points does not an axis make."
According to reports in a Japanese newspaper, North Korea and Iran are working together to develop long-range nuclear missiles. But it's lonely work, say sources in both countries.
"When Saddam was with us on conference calls, he was always cracking jokes about the downfall of Western civilization," said Mr. Kim. "Then we would all do that Simon Barsinister evil laughter. Ah, memories."
The ad in the Chronicle reads, in part: "Seeking third nation to join Axis of Evil. Must be proficient in nuclear technology, have iron-fisted control of your people, and a burning desire to snuff out the candles of Christianity and capitalism. Some experience required. Will train the right candidate."